Customize Your Product Catalog

Product Catalog (1)

Unified Product Catalog
Attract, Engage, And Retain

The heart of any B/OSS ecosystem, a unified Product Catalog streamlines and centralizes critical information and processes. It touches and drives everything that relates to what you sell, how you sell it, and ultimately how you promote, discount, deliver, and support your offering.

IDI’s unified Product Catalog delivers a flexible enterprise-grade inventory management system with industry-specific reusable components and templates that allow organizations to rapidly build, test and deploy a wide range of products or services with ease and speed.

Your Telecom Command Center

IDI’s Product Catalog serves as the backbone of your business, providing you with the tools and capabilities needed to attract, engage, and retain customers based on what they want and need at any given time along their customer journey.

Centralized Product Management

Centralized Product Management

IDI’s open-source API enables your organization to design and easily manage catalog items – create, modify, or retire products with just a few clicks. Save time and resources to focus on what’s most important—innovation and customer satisfaction.

Rapid Time To Market

Rapid Time-To-Market

Unify management of sales and billing solutions for convergent markets and respond swiftly to market demands by introducing new products and services with unmatched agility—keeping you one step ahead of the competition.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Enhanced Customer Experience

Personalize experiences and tailor product bundles to meet individual customer needs and preferences—leading to higher satisfaction levels and reduced churn.

Cost Optimization

Cost Optimization

Improve automation and minimize billing and provisioning errors—all while gaining insights into your product costs. It all adds up to improved efficiency, and better-informed pricing strategies.

Scalability & Flexibility

Scalability & Flexibility

Accommodate new products and services effortlessly as your business grows. Easily adapt to changing market conditions and evolving technologies.

Your Secret Weapon

A unified Product Catalog is just one component of IDI’s robust SaaS offering that can help you gain a true competitive edge. Ready to learn more?